30 September 2008


lots has been going on behind the scenes... but i see that my blog is needing some love. all the links went wonky on me when my back was turned. i'll have to take care of that little by little.
so in my 10th week of the Artist's Way i am faced with the interesting reality that i am a workoholic... and not exactly in a good way. i tend to put off my creative play by putting myself to work, thus avoiding any progress and keeping my inner artist child locked in a closet.
so this week my task has been to have a messy house. i worked hard getting as much as i could get done on one day.... and then pulled out the sewing machine and fabric paints... and ignored the house for the last 2 days. of course, today was the day that my neighbor (who has lived next door to us for 8 years but has never been inside my home) decided to stop in and say hello. i invited her in to see my mess... and my messy art. it was tough to let someone see my house in "less than presentable" condition but so liberating at the same time. it was however very worth the uncomfortableness of my dis-orderliness to have some positive encouragement and much needed validation. she admired my wall-art and creative touches. i can say i don't care in my brain, but at the end of the day... a pat on the back is a better feeling than a swept floor.

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